The title says all... yesterday my back snapped and I can't stay sit or standing, therefore the only option is resting in bed. Thanks someone invented laptops..
Ok, here we go with some updates of my work on iPong (or whatever will be ...):
- The music button is there: a little icon at the bottom right of the screen which makes the game mute of with sounds on. Works, looks nice ... checked
- The problem with the name disappearing after the first game has been fixed, was just a variable issue.
- Now whether you run a single game or an arcade game you have in the menu the back button: actually is a main menu button, every time you press it guess what? you go back to the main menu resetting everything you have done so far. It's a little pulsing arrow on the bottom of the screen.
- Wasn't on the "to do list" but I've been fixing something that already for long time bothered me: The first time you open the game there is a sort of intro which takes you to the main menu; the length of this is about 10 secs required (with the excuse to give you a nice effect and a presentation title) to load in memory the whole game. Before every time a game was over and the player was taken to the main menu there was this effect and this waiting time. Now not anymore, beside the very first time you open the game you get always the main menu right away.
- Rematch mode: I'm still working on this, harder of what it seems because I have to put my hands on old code (original from pong 2013 lite). I've been thinking that in the arcade mode if you lose the game a new screen will show telling you "You lose" and asking you if you want to repeat the match keeping the same level or going back to the menu losing your level. The screen is ok, nice effects as usual in this game, the background music is missing but i'm planning to compose it today (i need only something that loops in the background) but the routine of rematch is not quite there yet. As I finish it and it works I'll put the music as well.
I'm in contact with a lawyer studio specialized in trademarks to discuss about the name ipong. Updates soon.
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