Friday, March 14, 2014

Name length day...

Strange title for a post but believe it or not I spent the whole afternoon to fix a very little feature:
when you pick the arcade mode the game will ask you to type in your name which will appear in the game score and every time the game will speak to you.
Actually for many reasons the name length limit is 7 letters or it will create graphic issues. I had to add a little routine on the variable that carries the string "name" which checks how long the name is and, if longer than 7 letters, will ask you to retype it.
The routine was an easy task, but for some reason after that nothing was working as it should. Every time the game was ended something in the menu was happening and nothing was working properly anymore.
After many hours all is fixed and the routine works.
I launched also a complete game in "cheating mode" (just a little cheat I added for testing purposes where the collision with the computer pad is always equal to null therefore the player always wins) from match one till the congratulation screen and everything works just fine.
For the records now I'm testing the game via PC in emulation mode (arrows as pad controls) to make all faster. As quick I start to work on the multi-control mode I will have to check the game on touch devices (probably on the yoyo-runner on my test iPhone 5).
Right now I still have a lot of code belonging to the old game as well as few objects unused. Before I start to work to the control modes I need to clean up all the unused code, sprites, objects, sounds to relocate the valuable memory and avoiding huge waiting time while I send the software wi-fi to the runner.
Tomorrow's task.


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