Week end is over, new week ahead. Actually not a big difference between my Sundays and my Mondays.
I've been testing a lot the game on the iPhone runner and the main points are working well. Nothing run slow, not even in the long run which makes me happy because everything is under control. There are few things I have to fix which I noted in my to do list such as few variables that need to be reset once the game is over (like magneto and guns status, if the game finishes with one of these two on the next game starts with the two on, which is wrong), something I want to change like the little phone avatar (I just don't like it), something I want to make nicer such as the fancy "iPong" on top of the screen while the game is on on top of the control system that needs to be developed from scratch.
I modified the effect on the ball. Before the ball was like a comet with few particles effects applied at the same time to the ball's sprite...effect was good but not good enough to me. Now the ball makes smoke which is left behind when the ball moves. The effect is given by using 3 different particles systems, all smoke related but with different intensity and color. Looks better to me.
Now: I'm want to start to code again because I want to do almost everything left within this week (next week I fly to Holland) but I need to perform some big maintenance on my working PC laptop.
If you red the previous posts you know by now that after a while the laptop loses performance and sometimes is near to crash. The hard drive is almost full so I'm backing up all the important project i'm working on to free some space.
Of course is taking AGES!
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