Have been quite busy these days on personal stuff therefore I couldn't work properly on the network routines. Finally all is set so I can be back to work full time at Pong 2013 Network and the main version of Pong 2013 Pro - Arcade.
In these days when I could work I tested a bit the demo I've been working on connecting different devices between iOS, PC/Windows and Android. I noticed that on the device that runs as server the game is always way more fluid regardless the kind of device. If the game is hosted as server by iOS or PC (base setting) the game on the client device is way better than the same solution but with Android as server. The worse combo is two Android devices connected together.
It might be due to my test tablet which is not that powerful so before the release we need to test it on other devices. I'm really surprised (in positive) on how well the iOS devices respond to the network routines.
Anyway I'm working now trying to eliminate few bugs that bother the game in the collision control between ball and pads. The collision cannot be detected as usual (hardware way - language native functions) and as it is on Pong 2013 base because of the timing differences between server and client. The collision must be detected knowing the exact position and the dimensions of the two sprites in order to be calculated every screen refresh in both the devices connected.
This make the collision routine more inaccurate and it needs a good calibration to be glitch-less, which is what I'm trying to do now. Stay tuned.
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