Yesterday night and this morning I've been working on the whole procedure that starts when the player hits the button "arcade" and goes till the real match.
Everything atm is related to the first level (therefore the first match) only but I'm planning today and tomorrow to modify the routine dynamically in order to fit all the matches more or less in the same part of code.
The final result is very nice. It starts by asking the player name, then the player (the only human attempting to raise the charts of the space pong) needs to choose between the 8 available avatars (4 males and 4 females) ... unfortunately in this moment GMS don't allow yet the use of the device camera or of the device storage so, for the moment, the avatar cannot be chosen from personal photos. Hopefully in the next release of the suite.
Once you pick the avatar you can see a recap of who you are and the timeline of the matches with unveiled the enemy's avatars that you have to play against or that you defeated already. Another tap of the screen and we have the final Player-name Versus Enemy in "fighter-style".
Then the game will start.
We are thinking with Filo to add also some message during the match in comic style where your enemy is provocative to you. Let's see if it fits...
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